2023-2024 — Cheryl Slutzky, Chair
Membership in the Garden Club of Montclair is stable. Sadly, several beloved members have passed away, a few have resigned for personal reasons, and a few provisional members have had second thoughts due to work schedules. That being said, we continue to attract many interested individuals by way of recommendations from friends and through discovering our truly amazing website. Our website shows off our Club’s accomplishments and describes all we do as a vibrant organization that is constantly evolving.
We began the year with 19 provisional members and it is exciting to be moving 10 of these members into active status. They have all worked hard to get there, each in their own individual way. We need every one of them to take an active role especially as we near the celebration of the Club’s 100th anniversary!
The Membership Committee is a small group. It does not share the popularity of Garden Therapy, Avis Campbell Gardens, Hospitality, etc. For that reason, I will be welcoming a Vice Chair this year, Fran Ackerly. Fran, who is known for being the Chair of Flower Design and also a floral designer par excellence, will be joining the Membership Committee. She and I will be doing our best to reach every single member and to engage every member on this Committee to fully participate. If you decide to be on the Membership Committee you will advocate for new members. I am hoping to have participation at each and every monthly program as well. To my surprise, I’ve signed up for a second term. I guess I like my job.
A big thank you to all the Committee Chairs, especially Flower Design, Horticulture, Avis Campbell, and Garden Therapy. Once again, you all helped to keep our provisional members current and on schedule. Your watchful eyes and encouraging words are appreciated!
And once again, kudos to Communications Chair Sue Young for making the membership database available to me. Thank you to Floss O’Sullivan for diligently keeping all Committee Chairs and Officers up to date with her detailed meeting minutes.
And a big Thank You to our President Sarah J. Olson for her patience and back-up.
All I need now is the ability to deposit checks remotely, and I’m set.

2022-2023 — Cheryl Slutzky, Chair
Without Members, we would not have our wonderful Garden Club of Montclair. We saw an influx of nineteen new Provisionals throughout this past year. Several had to withdraw for personal reasons, but we left the door open for their return. From this class, we welcome three new active Members ready to share their talents: Kathy Bachmann, Jacoba Coes, and Karen Fricke.
It is vital to the Club's growth to have a rolling admissions policy. If someone is interested in becoming a Member in November or January, we want to welcome them so they can start fulfilling Provisional requirements. While Horticulture might be on hold during winter, there are plenty of workshops, events like Crane House decorating, and clerking for judges. Garden Therapy opportunities were very popular with Provisionals, building camaraderie and helping the Club to do community outreach.
Thanks to Sue Young for making the Membership database available and simplifying sending out correspondence, renewing memberships, keeping the database current, and staying on track.
I so appreciate all the Committee Chairs, especially Flower Design, Horticulture and Avis Campbell Gardens. You worked with me to keep our Provisionals current and on schedule. Your input and team effort helps us do our best to get to know new people while strengthening relationships with current Members, making everyone feel at home in The Garden Club of Montclair.

2021-2022 — Deborah Hirsch, Chair
Despite our continued health crisis, our Membership continued to grow, with an outstanding group of new Provisionals and a wonderful new leader of Membership, Cheryl Slutzky, for the coming two years.
This year we did enjoy some time together, and it was without doubt a welcome time. The kindness of our Committee Chairs provided two workshops on two weekends for Provisionals in the fall at Avis Campbell Gardens, in Flower Design and Horticulture. I learn something from every workshop and going back to basics is always informative. Our incredible team of leaders have brought us new Members, maintained a steady calendar of Programs, Workshops, Flower Design, and Horticulture shows, Garden Therapy events, opportunities to work in our gardens, and exceptional communication through our emails and first-rate website. We are working to make evenings and weekends a regular part of our offerings, as we have many Members working full-time who will stick with us if we do!
I look forward to working on many committees and under the leadership of our new President, Sarah Stransky, even as we bid adieu to our dear Florence. Take a moment to review the list of new and ongoing Provisionals, as this year we will have an opportunity to get to know them in person, as they will get to know all our Active Members and Committee Chairs.

2020-2021 — Deborah Hirsch, Chair
Would you like to know how it feels to be a member of the Garden Club of Montclair during the Pandemic? Remember when the Titanic was sinking and the band continue to play? Well, we are that band.
Our members have been impacted in a myriad ways but the coming together for our in-person Awards meeting this May reminded us all of the importance of our relationships to one another, to our beautiful Avis Campbell and Triangle Gardens, to the educational yearning we seek, to the community we serve, and to the amazing resilience of our members, young and old.
Welcome to the new Provisional class: Tracey Alampi, Betty Murphy, Virginia Woo, and Lauren Zodel. Inquiries continue to roll in and last year's Provisional class has for the most part stuck with us, lending a helping hand where they could during this shutdown in our lives.
We will meet again in May of 2022 to celebrate our new members properly. Until then, thank you to the Membership committee who willingly reached out to our membership to check in throughout the year.

2019-2020 — Deborah Hirsch, Chair
Our Membership has proven robust and flexible during this challenging year. Twenty-two Provisionals participated with enthusiasm from the beginning of the year. The Executive Committee unanimously agreed that they all be invited to become Active members for the coming year, since they were unable to complete their requirements because of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. The response was a rousing thank you!
Please welcome our new Active members: Susan Brady, Elizabeth Burgess, Christina Cattell, Robert Chapman, Ellen Colton, Jessica Fleming, Sharon Karlson, Dorothy Meissner, Maureen Michaud, Sarah H. Olson, Jacqueline Rondeau, Barbara Schiavone, Florence Sinofsky, Wendy Stahl, and Sue Young. Thank you to their sponsors, and I hope you will continue to support them in their first year Active status.
Please welcome our new Provisional class for 2020-2021 who have already taken advantage of opportunities to work outdoors in the Avis Campbell Gardens and Triangle Gardens: Joan Byrne, Nancy L. Herron, Eleni LaSenna, Laela Perkins, and Maryellen Stadtlander.
Remember, we encourage Membership applications year round, so if you know of someone who would enjoy our Club, send them my way.
I hope all our members will embrace the new year in its virtual form for the time being, as our Committee Chairs work hard to spin their magic in Design, Horticulture, Programs, Workshops, Education, and Garden Therapy for us to enjoy.
Thank you to my Membership Committee for their support this year: Carol Callahan, Sarah Olson, Brigitte Padberg, Gretchen Prater, Denise Silverman, Kathy Sorkin, Judy Voccola. To Fran Wong, database wizard, for keeping our information up-to-date, thank you!