Horticulture Schedule
See monthly schedule, below. As
events pass, they are moved to
the bottom of the page. -
Refer to 2024-2025 Horticulture Rules.
See also NGC Handbook for Flower Shows.
Watch the video (requires logging on to the page) featuring Debbie Moran, NGC Accredited Master Flower Show Judge, introducing the basics of selecting and exhibiting Horticulture specimens. ​See also our other instructional videos and handouts.

March 2025 Schedule
March 10, 2025
Register with Susan Straten by Thursday, March 6
Class 1: Narcissus (Daffodils): 1 cut specimen.
Class 2: Muscari (Grape Hyacinths): 3 cut specimens.
Class 3: Any other Flowering Bulbs, Corms, or Tubers: 1 cut specimen if large; 3 specimens if small.
Class 4: Hellebores: 1 cut specimen with blooms; may have attached leaves.
Class 5: Flowering Branches: 1 cut specimen not to exceed 30". Must include apical tip and several nodes, and exhibit sufficient blooms.

April 2025 Schedule
April 21, 2025
Register with Susan Straten by Thursday, March 6
Class 1: Flowering branches, 1 cut specimen not to exceed 30" in length. Must include an apical tip, central leader and several nodes, exhibit sufficient blooms.
Class 2: Flowering Perennials, 1 cut specimen.
Class 3: Hyacinthus, 1 cut specimen.
Class 4: Narcissus, 1 cut specimen
Class 5: Narcissus Collection: 5 different cut specimens exhibited in transparent containers provided by exhibitor. Mats and risers are permitted but plant material must dominate. Each specimen must have a botanical name and include a place card identifying its location within the exhibit. NGC Handbook for Flower Shows p.60. *Eligible for the Estelle Leibrecht Horticulture Award.
Class 6: Tulipa, 1 cut specimen with two attached leaves.

October 2024 Schedule
October 21, 2024
Register with Susan Straten by Thursday, October 16.
Class 1: Annuals: 1 cut specimen if large; 3 specimens if small.
Class 2: Perennials: 1 cut specimen if large; 3 specimens if small.
Class 3: Ornamental Grasses: 1 cut specimen exceeding 30" but no longer than 42" (freshly cut, not dried).
Class 4: Vegetables or Fruit: 1 specimen if large; 3 if small.

November 2024 Schedule
November 18, 2024
Register with Susan Straten by Thursday, November 14.
Class 1: Broadleaf Evergreen Branches: 1 cut specimen not to exceed 30". Must include apical tip and several nodes.
Class 2: Needled Evergreen Branches: 1 cut specimen not to exceed 30". Must include apical tip and several nodes.
Class 3: Combination Plantings: pot size not to exceed 12" in diameter.
Class 4: Container-Grown Foliage Plant: Pot size not to exceed 8" in diameter. (Saucer for container must be provided by exhibitor.)
Class 5: Container-Grown Flowering Plant: Pot size not to exceed 8" in diameter. (Saucer for container must be provided by exhibitor.)