Flower Design Schedule
Our Move to Green Alternatives
The Garden Club of Montclair’s Flower Design Committee has made the decision to begin to move away from the use of floral foam in our design competitions because of its detrimental effects on the planet, people, and wildlife. Floral foam is toxic. Cutting a block of it can create a toxic dust. It contains phenol, formaldehyde (a known carcinogen), and does not decompose efficiently. It is actually a single-use plastic that breaks down in landfills into tiny particles called microplastics. Microplastics can remain in the environment for hundreds of years.
The anti-foam movement is growing. The Royal Horticultural Society (UK) banned the use of floral foam in 2020 and you will not see it at the Chelsea Flower Show or the Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival, two of their showcase events. Many florists throughout this country and the world no longer use it. It is time for us to join this movement.
There are many eco-friendly alternatives to floral foam can be used in floral arrangements such as AgraWool bricks, TerraBricks, or the Oshun Pouch. They are all plant-based products. We also encourage the use of floral mechanics such as chicken wire, Kensans (flower frogs), water tubes, floral tape, even twigs and pebbles. We have also collaborated with our Workshop Committee to provide opportunities for you to learn how to employ these techniques in your designs.
A survey of our designers this past fall revealed that, although most understand the issues surrounding the continued use of Oasis, many still have blocks of it in their possession and they would like to use it up as it will still end up in a landfill. The decision was made to relax the rules for this year (2024-25) and allow its use in design competitions but encourage the use of alternatives whenever possible.
Barbara Baletti, FD Chair
Floss O’Sullivan, FD Vice Chair
Flower Design Schedule Chart
"Design Revolution"
click here for a printable version of this chart
Category | OCTOBER 21 "Minimal/ Maximal" | NOVEMBER 18 "Dark/Light" | JANUARY 13 "Shouts/ Whispers" | FEBRUARY 10 "Friends/ Lovers" | MARCH 10 "Harmony/ Asymmetry" | APRIL 21 "Structural/ Fluid" |
Provisional | American Traditional Mass | American Traditional Mass (Triangle) | American Traditional Line (Vertical) | American Traditional Line (Horizontal) | American Traditional Mass | American Traditional Design of Choice |
Novice | American Traditional Mass (Triangle) | American Traditional Mass (Vertical) | American Traditional Line (Horizontal) | American Traditional Line (Crescent) | Petite Design, Freedom of style and type (must identify) | European Traditional Design in the manner of the Italian Renaissance |
Intermediate | American Traditional Line (Vertical) | American Traditional Line (Crescent) | Design, Freedom of style and type (must identify) | Petite Design, Freedom of style and type (must identify) | Multi-Rhythmic Design | Creative Design |
Advanced | Grouped Mass Design | Parallel Design | Tubular Design | Transparency Design | Challenge Design | Abstract Design |
Advanced Plus | Am Traditional Line (Diagonal) | Petite Duo Design | Tapestry Design | Armature design | Challenge Design | Framed Spatial Design |
Invitational (Judges only) | Mass Design (no floral foam) | Tapestry Design | Armature design | Abstract Design | Framed Spatial Design | Underwater Design |
More Information
See details of monthly schedule below.
See also NGC Handbook for Flower Shows.
No December competitions.
See Flower Show 2024.
See Flower Show 2022.
Need a refresher prior to GCM's monthly competitions? We have online videos to help, featuring Florence Leyssène and Debbie Moran, NGC accredited Master Flower Show Judges.

February 10, 2025
Register with Barbara Baletti by February 6.
Tea Table: Olga Bequillard
All tables are covered with ivory tablecloths.
Designer’s choice of plant material.
An American Traditional Horizontal Line Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, pp. 70-71. Staged on a shelf 43” from the floor. Allowable space 22”W x 12”D.
An American Traditional Crescent Line Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.71. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D. Underlay required.
A Petite Design, Freedom of Style and Type
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.73. Staged on a 43” high dark green pedestal with a 14” square dark green top. Allowable space 10”W x 10” D x 10” H. Underlay required.
A Transparency Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.77. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D; no height restriction. Underlay and staging panel required.
Advanced Plus
An Armature Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.77. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D; no height restriction. Underlay and staging panel required.
An Abstract Design using no floral foam but employing alternative mechanics. Open to Club designers who are nationally accredited judges. To be exhibited for educational purposes. Staged on a 42” high dark green pedestal with a 14” square dark green top.

March 10, 2025
Register with Barbara Baletti by March 6.
Tea Table: Virginia Woo
All tables are covered with ivory tablecloths.
Designer’s choice of plant material.
An American Traditional Mass Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, pp.70-71. Staged on a shelf 43” from the floor. Allowable space 14”W x 12”D.
A Petite Design, Freedom of Style and Type
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.73. Staged on a 43” high dark green pedestal with a 14” square dark green top. Allowable space 10”W x 10” D x 10”H. Underlay required.
A Multi-Rhythmic Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, pp.73-75. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D; no height restriction. Underlay and staging panel required.
Advanced, Advanced Plus
A Challenge Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.78. Committee will provide 6 identical components to designers who must use a minimum of 4 in their design. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space is 24:W x 18” D. No height restriction. Underlay required; staging panel optional.
A Framed Spacial Design using no floral foam but employing alternative mechanics. Open to Club designers who are nationally accredited judges. To be exhibited for educational purposes. Staged on a 42” high dark green pedestal with a 14” square dark green top.

April 21, 2025
Register with Barbara Baletti by April 17.
Tea Table: Susan Brady
All tables are covered with ivory tablecloths.
Designer’s choice of plant material.
An American Traditional Design of choice. Select one of the three American Traditional Design Types on p.71B in the Handbook for Flower Shows and state your choice. Staged on a shelf 43” from the floor. Allowable space 14”W x 12”D; no height restriction.
A European Traditional Design in the manner of the Italian Renaissance.
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.69. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D. Underlay required; staging panel optional.
A Creative Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, pp.71-72. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D. Underlay and staging panel required.
An Abstract Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, pp.72-73. Staged on a 42” high dark green pedestal with a 14” square dark green top. Underlay required.
Advanced Plus
A Framed Spatial Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.74. Staged on a table 30” high in a 36” x 24” wooden black frame provided by committee. Underlay and staging panel optional.
An Underwater Design. Open to Club designers who are nationally accredited judges. To be exhibited for educational purposes. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24” W x 18” D.

October 21, 2024
Register with Barbara Baletti by October 16.
Tea Table: Charlene Connelly
Designs may be eligible for the Kay MacLane Van Deusen Rose Award.
All tables are covered with ivory tablecloths.
Designer's choice of plant material. No green or black floral foam can be used in any designs but AgraWool or TerraBrick is permitted.
An American Traditional Mass Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, pp.70-71. Staged on a shelf 43” from the floor. Allowable space 14”W x 12”D.
An American Traditional Design in the Form of a Triangle
See Handbook for Flower Shows, pp.70-71. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D; no height restriction. Underlay required.
An American Traditional Vertical Line Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.71. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D. Underlay required; staging panel optional.
A Grouped Mass Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.78. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D; no height restriction. Underlay and staging panel required.
Advanced Plus
An American Traditional Diagonal Line Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p. 71. Staged on a 42” H dark green pedestal with a 14” square dark green top. Allotted space 24”W x 24”D, no height restriction. Underlay optional.
An American Traditional Mass Design
Using no floral foam but employing alternative mechanics. Open to Club designers who are nationally accredited judges. To be exhibited for educational purposes. Staged on a 42” high dark green pedestal with a 14” square dark green top.

November 18, 2024
Register with Barbara Baletti by November 14.
Tea Table: Jacoba Coes
All tables are covered with ivory tablecloths.
Designer’s choice of plant material. No green or black floral foam can be used in any designs but AgraWool or TerraBrick is permitted.
An American Traditional Design in the Form of a Triangle
See Handbook for Flower Shows, pp.70-71. Staged on a shelf 43” inches from the floor. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D.
An American Traditional Vertical Line Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.71. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D; no height restriction. Underlay required.
An American Traditional Crescent Line Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.71. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D. Underlay required; staging panel optional.
A Parallel Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.75. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D; no height restriction. Underlay and staging panel required.
Advanced Plus
A Petite Duo Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.78. Staged on a 42” high dark green pedestal with a 14” square dark green top. Maximum height 12”. Each side of design will be judged independently as per NGC rules.
A Tapestry Design using no floral foam but employing alternative mechanics. Open to Club designers who are nationally accredited judges. To be exhibited for educational purposes. Staged on a 42” high dark green pedestal with a 14” square dark green top.

January 13, 2025
Register with Barbara Baletti by January 9.
Tea Table: Cheryl Slutzky
All tables are covered with ivory tablecloths.
Designer’s choice of plant material.
An American Traditional Vertical Line Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.71. Staged on a shelf 43” from the floor. Allowable space 14”W x 12”D. No height restriction.
An American Traditional Design in the Form of a Triangle
See Handbook for Flower Shows, pp.70-71. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D. Underlay required.
A Design, Freedom of Style and Type (Must identify type.)
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.71. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D; no height restriction. Underlay required; staging panel optional.
A Tubular Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.77. Staged on a 42” high dark green pedestal with a 14” square dark green top. Allotted space 24"W. Underlay required.
Advanced Plus
A Tapestry Design
See Handbook for Flower Shows, p.79. Staged on a table 30” high. Allowable space 24”W x 18”D; no height restriction. Underlay and staging panel required.
An Armature Design using no floral foam but employing alternative mechanics. Open to Club designers who are nationally accredited judges. To be exhibited for educational purposes. Staged on a 42” high dark green pedestal with a 14” square dark green top.