Flower Design Division Rules 2024-2025
Back to main Flower Design page.
See also the online NGC Handbook for Flower Shows
All Club Members are encouraged to enter flower designs in the monthly competitions as listed on the Flower Design page and in the Yearbook.
Exhibitors may have one (1) entry in Flower Design in each monthly competition.
Some plant material must be used in every design.
All plant material used in a design must be identified on a 3"x 5" index card and included with the entry card. Common names of plant material are acceptable.
Fresh material may never be treated and artificial plant material is not permitted.
Refer to the NGC Handbook for Flower Shows, pp. 80-81 for a complete list of plant material and non-plant material that is permitted and not permitted.
Plant material on the New Jersey Conservation List may not be used unless it has been grown by the exhibitor or legally acquired and is so stated on an accompanying 3"x 5" index card.
Entries must conform to the design type named in the schedule.
Flower Designs are judged using the Design Scale of Points found on p. 130 in the Handbook for Flower Shows.
Advanced registration with the Flower Design Chair is required no later than four (4) days before each Design Competition by emailing Flower Design Chair Barbara Baletti.
Designs should be dropped off downstairs in the Garden Club Room between 8:15am and 9:15am Judging will begin promptly at 10am. Designs arriving late will not be judged.
Designs must be picked up no later than 30 minutes after the end of the program meeting.
For questions about rules, design schedule, or specific designs, please consult with Flower Design Chairs or club judges (Florence Leysséne, Debbie Moran, Brenda Bingham.)
Provisional: Flower Designs exhibited by Provisionals are critiqued, not judged. Designs do not qualify for points or awards. Provisionals who are interested in moving to the Novice Level MUST submit at least one design during their term.
Novice: Includes those who have earned up to nine points in Flower Design. Novices are eligible to receive The Elsie Bristol Novice Award (see award description).
Intermediate: Includes Members who have earned ten or more points in Flower Design. Intermediate designers are eligible to receive The President's Trophy for Flower Design, Intermediate (see award description).
Advanced: Includes Members who have progressed from the Intermediate Level by earning 20 points and one blue ribbon within a three year period in Flower Design. Advanced designers are eligible to receive The Garden Club Award for Flower Design, Advanced (see award description). Every member of this level is expected to exhibit once a year.
Advanced Plus: A competitive level for those who have won The Garden Club Award for Flower Design, Advanced twice. Advanced Plus designers are eligible to receive the Elsie Bristol Flower Award, Advanced II for achieving the highest points score and the winning of one blue ribbon.
Invitational: Open to nationally accredited judges, professional flower designers, and Members at the Advanced Level invited by the Flower Design Committee. Participants exhibit for educational purposes and are critiqued.
1st Blue 5 points
2nd Red 4 points
3rd Yellow 3 points
Honorable Mention 2 points
Unawarded Exhibits 1 point
Tea/Luncheon Table 1 point