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Yearbooks are out AND the Website has it all!

We are excited to announce that the 2022-23 Yearbook is fully posted on this website AND booklets are being delivered or mailed to you in the next week. This year, our goal was to get our members all the Club’s information as quickly and efficiently as possible and to encourage everyone to use the website, as it is the source for the most up to date information.

We finished the Yearbook in record time this year, thanks to Committee Chairs that worked to finalize their event calendars and a dedicated Yearbook team. Changes we would like to highlight include:

  • A beautiful cover photo courtesy of Claire Stepleton

  • New Club and Avis Campbell Gardens logos designed by Karen DeLuca

  • Celebratory articles for the 70th Anniversary of Avis Campbell Gardens and our ARTS & FLOWERS design specialty flower show (artwork by Victoria Herrera)

  • Exciting and robust Flower Design, Horticulture AND Botanical Arts schedules organized by Classes so there is something for everyone!

With a goal of conservation in mind, we decided to move our Bylaws and Standing Rules fully online, and we moved award listings from 1926-1999 online as well. We also used paper containing 30% post consumable material, all of which helped us save on printing costs and postage. To help us save more postage, you are welcome to stop by Floss O’Sullivan’s house to pick up your Yearbook in person. Contact her @ 917.847.6750.

Please join us in thanking the dedicated Yearbook team for an outstanding job: Fran Ackerly, Janice Benton, Karen DeLuca, Deborah Hirsch, Sheila Curry Oakes, Sara H. Olson, Floss O’Sullivan, Celia Radek, Ragna Sloane, Claire Stepleton, Sarah Stransky, Karen Whitehaus, Fran Wong, and Sue Young.

Start planning ahead because the Garden Club of Montclair has a fabulous schedule of exciting opportunities to participate in what we all love to do!



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