Once again, on Thursday, January 18, the dramatic duo of Florence Leyssène and Debbie Moran, our own NGC judges, led a packed workshop in the fine art of judging flower and botanic arts design.
They were ably assisted with comments from Brenda Bingham, another Club NGC judge, plus plenty of pithy remarks from the audience.
Five intrepid Club members ― Cynthia Corhan-Aitken, Karen Fricke, Cheryl Slutzky, Floss O'Sullivan, and Sarah Stransky ― bravely agreed to allow their designs (see their beautiful efforts below, all of which in the opinion of the attendees were worthy of blue ribbons) to be critiqued by Florence and Debbie, who explained exactly how the judges would assign marks according to the strict rules of the NGC. These are laid out in detail in Chapter 11 of the Handbook (click here to see on our site).
Enormous thanks to our talented and courageous exhibitors and to our judges for their thoughtful ― and very funny ― explanations of the esoteric ins and outs of point scoring.
