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Vote! Vote! Vote! for Mandy!

The Garden Club has entered this year's Scarecrows in the Garden contest, at Van Vleck. Participation furthers our commitment to community outreach, and, as a bonus, the winner in each level wins $500 to donate to a charity of their choice. Go and see this year's entries!

Our robust group of scarecrow makers (Carol Callahan, Ellen Colton, Sheila Curry Oakes, Karen DeLuca, Karen Fricke, Dorothy Meissner, and Marilyn Zaret) have spent the past few weeks designing and building our scarecrow, titled The Gilded Gardener: A Tribute to Amanda Van Vleck, although we feel comfortable enough now to refer to her as "Mandy."

We will need your help — and the help of your family and friends — to vote for our scarecrow October 16 through 26. The link is not live yet, but click HERE from October 16 through 26 to VOTE! Winners will be announced October 28.



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