Our first speaker of the year at our monthly program meeting was Jan Johnsen, landscape architect and author, who opened our eyes to the possibilities of using large and small rocks in our gardens. A riveting speaker, who has studied with Japanese and European gardening masters, she had us take a second look at stones and rocks from gravel to revealed outcrops to see the spirit hidden in these supposedly inanimate objects.
This was our first meeting at Bnai Keshet, whose members made us welcome in their beautiful round auditorium filled with light streaming in through the exquisite windows. As usual, the Hospitality committee provided delicious refreshments and Charlene Connolly provided the glorious dahlias from her garden to decorate the table.
Coming soon: photos and results of the October competitions.
Above: (l) Jan Johnsen, (r) Dahlias light up the table. Below: Members in the auditorium at Bnai Keshet are enchanted by the beauty of stones.
