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November Competition Results

Once again, members of our club rose to the challenges laid out in the schedules designed by our intrepid chairs. A particular treat was Brenda Bingham's invitational tapestry design which, she assures us, our advanced designers will be making in a few months. This form of creative design is new to nearly all of us, and she gave us a short explanation of the NGC design principles while referring to her creation. The NGC Handbook describes this type of design as "a creative solid-mass design with a geometric closed silhouette/s.

  1. Volume of plant material dominates with other components optional.

  2. May have some transparent/ translucent/ diaphanous components.

  3. Imaginative design techniques and applications must be used such as pillowing, pavé, color blocking, weaving, etc.

  4. Inner space is achieved by juxtaposing colors, textures and forms."

And now to the results.

Flower Design

Novice - An American Traditional Vertical Line Design

2nd - Kathy Bachmann


Intermediate - An American Traditional Crescent Line Design

1st - Karen Fricke

2nd - Olga Bequillard

3rd - Susan Brady


Advanced - A Parallel Design

1st - Michele Tomasik

2nd - Cheryl Slutzky

3rd - Barbara Baletti

HM - Floss O’Sullivan, Susan Straten, Carol Callahan 

 Advanced Plus  - Petite Duo Design (each side judged separately)

Fran Ackerly- 1st for one side; 3rd for the other              

Cynthia Corhan-Aitken - 2nd for both sides

Botanical Arts

A Napkin Ring for the Holidays

1st - Karen Fricke

2nd - Susan Straten

3rd - Cheryl Slutzky

An Exploration Design - Freedom of Style

1st - Karen Fricke

2nd - Tova Narrett

3rd - Barbara Baletti

HM - Marilyn Zaret


This month there were 38 entries from 8 participants.

1st - Denise Silverman with 49 points

2nd - Celia Radek with 23 points

3rd - Sara Olsen with 19 points.

And here are some more gorgeous entries, in no particular order.



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