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Change in Program Dates

Wall Street Journal writer Lindsey Taylor has been rescheduled from November to January 24.

In her place, we are happy to welcome Steven Kristoph on November 15 at 1 pm as our scheduled speaker..

Steven received his Bachelor and Master’s degrees in horticulture from Rutgers University where he has taught as an adjunct professor of horticulture and Landscape Architecture for over 40 years. He owns and operates the Steven Kristoph Nursery in Millstone Township of Monmouth County NJ where he grows many types of ornamental trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials.

Steve is passionate about plants and likes to share this with others. Plant walks with him are always an adventure. Taking time to smell all the roses is important to him and you can bet if there's indumentum on a rhododendron leaf close by Steven will take note.

For his presentation Steven will regale us with a talk entitled Garden Getaways. Many gardens and arboretums can offer educational programs and conduct horticultural research which may include the introduction of new and exciting plants and hybrids. Over his lifetime Steve has visited many of these Gardens and he will provide images and information about each. His focus will be on Garden Getaways in the Northeast.

And after being cooped up for so long we look forward hearing about these Great Garden Escapes.



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