Doors will open at 12:30 on Monday, November 13, at Bnai Keshet, 99 S. Fullerton Ave. for a presentation by Dan Benarcik, Horticulturist at Chanticleer Gardens in Wayne, PA. Dan will present a program on the exciting world of container culture, as he offers a look at the breadth of container gardening styles and techniques. He’ll discuss different types of containers as well as some of his favorite plants.
Dan has been at Chanticleer since 1993, where he has watched the garden evolve from its infancy. He has found Chanticleer to be a unique place where he has been able to merge his innate creativity with his passion for horticulture. He oversees the Courtyard Gardens, with an emphasis on tropical, sub-tropical and tender perennials for seasonal display. He says that his position at Chanticleer affords him the privilege of creating and maintaining the visitor’s first and last impressions of the garden. He also shares his knowledge as an international consultant, speaker, and writer.
The Garden Club of Montclair's monthly program meetings are open to the public , so all are welcome. We ask only for a small donation. There will be a raffle, so please bring cash to buy your tickets!