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A Sad Horticultural Story

This year a number of members planted a “Miss Muffet” caladium bulb in the spring to be judged in the fall. Tomorrow we will see some success stories, but the sad emails, below, show why we need a Club where we can share our sorrows and get good advice.

"After a slow start, my Miss Muffet looked bright and lush in September, now it is almost past due and lost its luster. Definitely not competition worthy." MT

"My little Miss Muffet fell off her tuffet And couldn’t eat curds and whey The cold and the rain Just caused so much pain She had no nice leaves to display!

"I’ll nurse her and warm her Thru winter and spring And maybe just maybe Next year she will sing!!" BB

"Miss Muffet and I had a lovely relationship through the summer and she was so kind about my inability to influence the weather, tolerating and appreciating what I could do for her. But she got tired of looking gorgeous and has decided to get ready for a vacation and wait for another day. So disappointed!" FW

"Not a good outcome for my Miss Muffet." KW

"Same story. It was a beautiful summer and a swift fall to oblivion last week." DH

"Me too! It went from struggling to perky to very dead." SY

"She was so pretty this summer and brought me joy but the the cold snap did her in but for four leaves. Poor Miss Muffet!" MS

"As unlikely a story as it might be, mine, after a good summer in CT, came home to Montclair and was eaten by the dog!" SS

"We all tried!" CC



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