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Welcome Back!

The Garden Club of Montclair held its first in-person meeting in two years on March 21, and 13 members brought in their designs to be assessed by official judges. No more uploading photos! But we took pictures anyway, see below, underneath the results.

The speaker at the meeting was Jennifer Bakshi, an avid gardener, landscape designer, and owner of Oasis Landscape Design. She challenged us to take a new and questioning look outside our windows, and showed us how she has transformed many Montclair gardens, using basic principles of design. A horticulturist and Master Gardener, Jennifer also teaches at the New York Botanical Garden, where she received her Certification in Landscape Design and Horticulture.

We are so grateful to Union Congregational Church for opening its doors to us. What a splendid space, and what a pleasure it was to gather with our friends again!



Maria Martesanz - 2nd


Sarah Olson - 1st

Denise Silverman - 2nd

Tova Narrett - 3rd

Marie Donnelly - Honorable Mention


Suzy Straten -1st

Michele Tomasik - 2nd

Advanced Plus

Fran Ackerly - 2nd



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