March horticulture procedures are as follows:
Narcissus (daffodil, jonquil) — 1 cut stem, no foliage.
Muscari (grape hyacinth) — 3 cut stems, no foliage.
Saintpaulia (African Violet) — Container-grown plant, must be in bloom, pot size not to exceed 8" diameter.
Entries are limited to one entry per class per member.
Pre-registration to Debbie Moran is required no later than 4:00 pm, Sunday, March 20.
Entry cards may be picked up at Debbie Moran’s house at 10 Elston Road in Upper Montclair by request, or members may use a printed facsimile available upon request to Debbie. Entry cards must be completely filled out prior to drop off and no
assistance on identification will be available on site — no exceptions.
Members must stage their cut specimens at home in clear, recyclable, appropriately sized bottles or containers with clear wedging because all specimens will be discarded at the conclusion of the Program — no exceptions. No containers or wedging will be provided on-site by the Committee for cut specimens.
Specimens can be dropped off at UCC on Monday, March 21 between 9:15 am - 10:15 am through the east door near the handicap parking area to avoid interaction with children at the church.