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Already, Three Awards!

At the first program meeting of the season, Members flooded Union Congregational Church with well over 160 horticulture entries in 26 classes divided between six different sections. Three of our annual awards are pictured here with their new ribbons, and below.

  • Deborah Hirsch was awarded the Barbara Meyer Rose Award for her delicate and fragrant "Desdemona" roses. The judges couldn't help but give these beauties "Best in Show."

  • Celia Radek won not one but two awards: the Amy Hatrack Herb Award for her collection of five herbs, and the Estelle Liebrecht Horticulture Award for her perfect, perky, pink zinnia, grown from seed distributed this spring.

See also the winners of firsts in all the classes below and, below those, a selection of photos showing the wide variety of beautiful plants and flowers exhibited with such pride and enthusiasm by our Members.

SECTION A: Flowering Annuals

Class 1: Dahlia - Celia Radek

Class 2: Salvia-Sue Straten

Class 3: Tagetes (Marigold) - Cynthia Corhan-Aitken

Class 4: Zinnia elegans 'Pumila Bordeaux'- *Eligible for the Estelle Liebrecht Horticulture Award - Celia Radek

Class 5: Any other worthy named specimen - Sarah Olson: Ageratum; Sarah Olson: Ping-Pong Purple; Celia Radek: Cleome; Sue Straten: Impatient Daisy; Michele Trevenen: Lantana

SECTION B: Annuals Grown for Foliage

Class 6: Caladium - Terry Breen; Michele Trevenen-Miss Muffet

Class 7: Plectranthus scutellarioides (Coleus) -Karen Whitehaus, Terri Breen

Class 8: Strobilanthes (Persian Shield) N/A

Class 9: Any other worthy named specimen - Michele Trevenen - Elephant Ear

SECTION C: Flowering Perennial

Class 10: Aster - Debbie Moran

Class 11: Rosa - *Eligible for the Barbara Meyer Rose Award -Deb Hirsch-David Austin Rose "Desdemona"

Class12: Sedum - Debbie Moran-Sedum cauticom; Sue Straten- Stonecrop

Class 13: Any other worthy named specimen - Cynthia Corhan-Aitken- Turtlehead, Rose of Sharon and Hydrangea; Sarah Olson - I, Jacoba Coes - Goldenrod and Veronica. Cheryl Sutzsky -

SECTION D: Perennials Grown for Foliage

Class 14: Fern - Debbie Moran

Class 15: Heuchera - Debbie Moran

Class 16: Hosta - Maria Matesanz

Class 17: Any other worthy named specimen - Asparagus Fern, Sarah Olson

SECTION E: Herbs. Eligible for the Amy Hatrack Herb Award*

Class 18: Ocimum (basil) N/A

Class 19: Rosemarinus (rosemary) Debbie Moran Class 20: Salvia (sage) Kathy Bachman

Class 21: Thymus (thyme) Debbie Moran

Class 22: Collection of 5 herbs,- Kathy Bachman

Amy Hatrack Herb Award- Celia Radek

SECTION F: Vegetables

Class 23: Capsicum (pepper) - Sarah Olson; Celia Radek

Class 24: Cucurbita (squash) - N/A

Class 25: Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) - Kathy Bachman

Class 26: Any other worthy named specimen: Genie Temmler - carrot



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