There’s a yellow haze on the forsythia, which signals — says our rose guru, Barbara Meyer — that it’s time to prune the roses despite the weather sending a very different message.
Once again Barbara gave her annual workshop at Avis Campbell Gardens on rose horticulture to provisionals and members alike. (Member can see some of her written handouts). Today her focus was on the importance of courageous but careful pruning to ensure the rich and glorious summer display at Avis Campbell and in our own gardens.
She covered the different fertilizers that are required at different times of the year, and explained how to counter the attacks our beauties face from hordes of horrific animal, insect, bacterial and viral enemies, visible and invisible.
Thank you again, Barbara, for your knowledge and your help.
See below for rapt attendees listening and learning, and then bravely clipping dead and wayward suckers in the Avis beds. Summer will show the results.
Learning ...

... and action!
