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Awards: February 2023

Once again, our members showed how happy we all are to be meeting together post-pandemic with the enthusiastic and beautiful entries in our monthly competition including in our brand-new section: Botanical Arts. Here are photos of the winners, and the full results.

Flower Design Division

Class 1: An American Traditional Vertical Line Design (Provisionals)

Angela Gardner (left); Olga Bequillard right)

Class 2: A Creative Design

1st: Barbara Baletti (pictured)

2nd: Fran Ackerly

3rd: Celia Radek

HM: Cynthia Corhan-Aitken

HM: Carol Callahan

HM: Virginia Woo

Class 3: A Challenge Design

1st: Floss O'Sullivan (pictured)

2nd: Denise Silverman

3rd: Cheryl Slutzky

HM: Sheila Oakes

HM: Wendy Stahl

HM: Nancy Stroud

Botanical Arts Division

Class 4: A Mask 1st: Floss O'Sullivan

2nd: Michele Tomasik

3rd: Terri Breen

HM: Susan Benner

HM: Marie Donnelly

HM:Betty Murphy

HM:Suzy Straten

Provisional Entry (critiqued): Jacoba Coes

Provisional Entry (critiqued): Kem Louie

Provisional Entry (for display ): Melody Brown

Provisional Entry (for display): Pamela Turre

Intermediate Entry (for display): Marilyn Zaret



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